Out of the way stands a dark parade,
Another shady patch to be rained over.
At times a place where celebration is made,
The only life for now, a row of green clover.
Another shady patch to be rained over.
At times a place where celebration is made,
The only life for now, a row of green clover.
I’ve been here before, when the weather is fine,
Artwork outdoors shows the way.
Let’s look at each shape, each new design,
A new addition may be coming, next day.
Artwork outdoors shows the way.
Let’s look at each shape, each new design,
A new addition may be coming, next day.
Wanting some food but too drunk at the time,
They misplaced their polyethylene food pack.
A polypropylene fork in public space is a crime,
It's a waste and there’s no turning back.
They misplaced their polyethylene food pack.
A polypropylene fork in public space is a crime,
It's a waste and there’s no turning back.
A crow flew over to a public phone,
"Caw-caw" curious when hearing it ring.
By his beak, he flicked it up-down,
That poor unknown caller was left hanging.
"Caw-caw" curious when hearing it ring.
By his beak, he flicked it up-down,
That poor unknown caller was left hanging.
You can sense where they are hiding,
Though there is silence in the trees.
You can hear the brown leaves rustling,
Moved by a swift Autumn breeze.
Though there is silence in the trees.
You can hear the brown leaves rustling,
Moved by a swift Autumn breeze.
This is a favourite tree fir,
Where moss and lichen grow.
Such an abundance grows free here ,
A birdbath stands below.
Where moss and lichen grow.
Such an abundance grows free here ,
A birdbath stands below.
Good morning, you’re looking good to me,
To face the sunlight― it dazzles my eyes.
The feeling is good, so refreshing to see,
A new day, a new way, a surprise.
To face the sunlight― it dazzles my eyes.
The feeling is good, so refreshing to see,
A new day, a new way, a surprise.
Even through cloud, sunshine makes it’s way,
At first a golden speck in the sky.
Should it dance through a twelve hour day?
It returns again tomorrow― that’s why.
At first a golden speck in the sky.
Should it dance through a twelve hour day?
It returns again tomorrow― that’s why.
Ever driven underneath a building,
To park your car in a dim lit space.
You search for the sliding door that goes “ding”,
Oh, and you're parked on B1― just in case.
To park your car in a dim lit space.
You search for the sliding door that goes “ding”,
Oh, and you're parked on B1― just in case.
Is this number for the unlucky ones?
Can’t find your car? That must be a pain.
Hansel and Gretel made a trail of breadcrumbs,
Find the lift and start searching again.
Can’t find your car? That must be a pain.
Hansel and Gretel made a trail of breadcrumbs,
Find the lift and start searching again.
While out walking by the river today,
I spotted the quaintest little gazebo.
Treading underneath to see the display,
My feet made a horse's hoof echo.
I spotted the quaintest little gazebo.
Treading underneath to see the display,
My feet made a horse's hoof echo.
I met a homeless lady this afternoon,
I asked if there were any challenges lately.
She said she was hoping to find a place soon,
Right now, sleeping under the stars more than likely.
I asked if there were any challenges lately.
She said she was hoping to find a place soon,
Right now, sleeping under the stars more than likely.
All the locals take turns at Burleigh,
To greet the sunshine each day.
It helps to make all moments clutter-free,
Gently, softly, they hear music play.
To greet the sunshine each day.
It helps to make all moments clutter-free,
Gently, softly, they hear music play.